There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to the engineering needs of our clients. From government entities to private clients, we provide a full range of engineering services, customized to your needs, to take you from concept, to bidding, to construction.
For almost 15 years, our company has been committed to helping communities across the state maintain, rehabilitate, and expand their water system infrastructure. Our team is experienced in the design of water projects including:
Water Distribution Systems
Pump Stations
Water Storage Tanks
Transmission Mains
Water Treatment Plant Rehabilitation
Our company understands the importance of controlling and reducing inflow and infiltration in a utility’s wastewater system and expanding and upgrading existing systems to keep up with population growth. We specialize in the design of wastewater projects including:
Lift Stations
Sewer Force Mains
Gravity Sewer Rehabilitation
Wastewater Treatment Plant Modifications
Flow Monitoring
In addition to traditional engineering design services, we work with our clients to find funding through grants, low-interest loans, and other programs. Our skilled employees work to ensure your project becomes a reality.
We have experience with obtaining funding from:
Community Development Block Grants (CDBG)
State-Revolving Funds
Economic and Community Development (ECD) Funding
What Our Customers Say
"Having a company like Rye Engineering in our corner has been a major benefit to HCWA. Over the past 5 years, they have kept us up to date with our leak detection products. Their customer service is impeccable and second to none. They are extremely reliable and have very knowledgeable staff."
-Brook J., Water Loss Supervisor, Henry County Water Authority (HCWA)